Automate Your Settlements with Carriers through API Integration

Are you running a transport exchange or providing a TMS? Integrate with us so your users can automatically settle transport payments and benefit from express payments.

How it works

Through API integration, we provide external systems with the ability to handle payments for completed transport services.
Integration with our API allows to seamlessly connect with our factoring platform. This enables users to submit invoices for financing directly from the exchange or TMS without having to switch to our tool.

TMS provider

By integrating your system with our application, you will provide your users with the ability to automatically settle payments for completed transport services.

Managing a transport exchange

Integrate with our factoring application to offer your users express payment for completed transport services,
Integration with our API allows transport exchanges and transport management systems (TMS) to seamlessly connect with our factoring platform. This enables users to submit invoices for financing directly from the exchange or TMS without having to switch to our tool. The integration process is simple and can be divided into three main stages:
Submitting invoice
Users submit essential invoice details through the API.
Uploading documents
Additional documents required for invoice processing can be uploaded as needed.
Confirming completion
Users confirm that all necessary documents have been submitted, completing the process.

Benefits for Your Company

Improve user satisfaction and loyalty

Providing access to factoring services directly from your platform creates a comprehensive solution, enhancing the user experience and encouraging users to stay on your platform. Additionally, we understand the specifics of the transport industry and its payment habits. Our solutions are designed for the TSL industry, which your users from this sector will appreciate.

Enhance your product with a settlement solution

By integrating with our factoring platform, you provide your users with the ability to expedite payments for completed transport services, making your solution more attractive to current and potential customers.

Competitive edge

Access to fast financing and offering advanced financial services will distinguish your platform from the competition, positioning you as an industry leader.

We provide the necessary know-how

You don't need to operate in the financial industry or know the invoice financing process because we act as the settlement operator. Integration with our invoice financing system allows your company and its employees to focus on strategic tasks for your company's growth.

Benefits for your users

Convenience and efficiency
Users can submit invoices for financing directly from the platform they know and use in their daily work, saving time and reducing the hassle of switching between different systems.
Faster eccess to funds
With seamless integration, the process of submitting invoices and receiving funds is accelerated, improving users' cash flow.
Transparency and control
Users can monitor the status of their submitted invoices and manage related actions (e.g., uploading documents, accepting financing offers) within the familiar environment of your platform.

Features Available After Integration

Our API provides the following functionalities:
Invoice Submission for Financing
Users (carriers) can submit invoices for financing through factoring.
Invoice Submission for Scheduled Payment
Freight forwarding companies can submit their carriers' invoices for payment at a scheduled date.
Invoice Status Monitoring
Users can view the current status of their submitted invoices.
Required Actions
Users can complete necessary actions such as uploading missing documents, confirming the actual payment date, or responding to financing offers (acceptance/rejection).


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The administrator of your personal data provided in the above form is Transcash S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław, at Racławicka 2-4, 53-146 Wrocław, NIP 897 17 14 717. The data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy - by submitting the above form, you declare that you have read its content.