No longer waiting for payment - discover express factoring!

Cash in 30 minutes | Online service | Reduced commission

What is eDiscount?

eDiscount is a service for financing invoices before their due date on preferential terms.
eDiscount is available to carriers working with forwarding companies that have entered into a partnership agreement with Transcash.

What distinguishes eSkonto in Transcash?

You can be at ease because you receive money quickly and don't worry about whether the freight company will pay on time. Transparent and fair pricing will never surprise you with unexpected fees.
Money in the account
in 30 minutes
100% online
Lower commission
for financing

What We Finance

We specialize in financing the TSL industry, so we primarily finance invoices for completed road, sea, rail, and air transport. We also offer financing for invoices for ancillary transport services - distribution, warehousing, and logistics.
issued to Polish payers

issued to EU payers


Benefits for your company

How does invoice financing work

Only 3 simple steps separate you from financing your first invoice
Create a free account
Register in the Customer Service Panel. If you are a user of the platform, simply log in using your Trans-id.
Sign the contract online
You can sign the contract conveniently online. Confirm the contract by making a return transfer from your business account.
Submit the invoice
Add the invoice you want to finance. We will present you with a financing offer. Once you accept the offer, we will automatically transfer the money to your company's account.
Ready to exchange your first invoice for cash in 30 minutes?
Gotowy, by wymienić swoją pierwszą fakturę na gotówkę w 30 minut?

Contact Form

Not sure which solution is right for your company's needs?
Order a call with our expert
Fill out the form, we will call you back within 30 minutes.
The administrator of your personal data provided in the above form is Transcash S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław, at Racławicka 2-4, 53-146 Wrocław, NIP 897 17 14 717. The data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy - by submitting the above form, you declare that you have read its content. S.A. S.A.
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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych, przekazanych w powyższym formularzu jest Transcash S.A. z siedzibą we Wrocławiu, przy ul. Racławicka 2-4, 53-146 Wrocław, NIP 897 17 14 717. Dane przetwarzane są zgodnie z Polityką prywatności - przesyłając powyższy formularz oświadczasz, że zapoznałeś się z jej treścią.

Order contact

Fill out the form, we will call you back within 30 minutes.
The administrator of your personal data provided in the above form is Transcash S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław, at Racławicka 2-4, 53-146 Wrocław, NIP 897 17 14 717. The data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy - by submitting the above form, you declare that you have read its content.