Choose the best product for your business

We have safe financial solutions tailored to the needs and size of your company


Best choice for financing selected invoices
From 2,99%
min. 129,99 zł 
Financing Limit
up to 300,000 PLN
Number of Invoices
from a single invoice
Foreign Invoices
yes (DE, CZ, SK)
Payment currency
in PLN and EUR
Payout Amount
100% of the gross invoice minus the applicable commission
Debtor Insurance
Granting or Increasing the Limit


It will work if your contractor prohibits assignment
From 6,89%
min. 149,99 zł
Financing Limit
up to 100,000 PLN
Number of Invoices
from a single invoice
Foreign Invoices
yes, all countries
Payment currency
in PLN
Payout Amount
100% of the gross invoice minus the applicable commission
Debtor Insurance
Granting or Increasing the Limit

Full factoring

Choose this option if you want to finance the entire relationship
From 2%
Individually determined 
Financing Limit
up to 10 000 000 PLN
Number of Invoices
all in a given relationship
Foreign Invoices
yes, all countries
Payment currency
in PLN and EUR
Payout Amount
100% of the gross invoice minus the applicable commission
Debtor Insurance
depends on the option selected
Granting or Increasing the Limit
0,5%-1,5% of the limit amount
The final amount of the financing commission is determined individually based on the submitted documents for financing. We take into account the payment morality of the client and the timeliness of previous repayments to Transcash.
działa świetnie, teraz musisz polaczyc te dwa kody poniewaz koliduja ze soba
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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych, przekazanych w powyższym formularzu jest Transcash S.A. z siedzibą we Wrocławiu, przy ul. Racławicka 2-4, 53-146 Wrocław, NIP 897 17 14 717. Dane przetwarzane są zgodnie z Polityką prywatności - przesyłając powyższy formularz oświadczasz, że zapoznałeś się z jej treścią.

Order contact

Fill out the form, we will call you back within 30 minutes.
The administrator of your personal data provided in the above form is Transcash S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław, at Racławicka 2-4, 53-146 Wrocław, NIP 897 17 14 717. The data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy - by submitting the above form, you declare that you have read its content.